The influence of specimen size upon the new crack extension resistance curve ( K R curve), based on the cohesive force of concrete, in the process of fracture is studied according to the experimental results. 本文采用课题组已取得的实验研究结果,观测混凝土断裂全过程中基于粘聚力的新KR阻力曲线的尺寸效应问题。
Lastly, we give the mechanical meaning of this path-independent integral as the crack extension force, and make it possible to use the path-independent integral as fracture criterion in nonlinear fracture dynamics. 最后,给出了这种路径无关积分的力学意义.说明它可用来作为非线性断裂动力学的一种断裂准则。
Three crack extension resistance theories for describing concrete fracture toughening phenomena are summarized, and based on the concept of crack cohesive force, a new analytical extension resistance model, named GR model, is proposed for investigating the resistance variation with crack propagation during fracturing in concrete. 在对国际断裂力学领域里所提出的三种裂缝扩展阻力曲线理论加以总结的基础上,以能量为表征,基于裂缝黏聚力提出了描述混凝土结构裂缝扩展全过程的新GR阻力模型。
Then we transform the problem of crack propagation into a problem of diffusion motion which contains the source of mass flow, and investigate the crack extension force by the use of internal body-force field. 从而我们把裂纹扩展问题转化为一个含质量流源的扩散运动问题,并应用内部体力场论研究了裂纹扩展力。
Based on the boundary variational theorem, the energy release quantity and energy release rate ( dynamical crack extension force) along the crack boundary are obtained. 由此求得动态裂纹扩展时,沿裂纹边界的能量释放量和能量释放率(动态裂纹扩展力)。